Many believers have very loose attitude towards sin. Some even wrongly believed that it is not possible to have a permanent victory over sin. The popular saying that no man is perfect makes them to believe that living above sin is not possible with any man anywhere. If that is true, why will Jesus tell the woman that was caught in adultery to go and sin no more? What does it mean to sin no more? The difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament is not forgiveness but salvation because there is forgiveness in both of them but there is no salvation in the Old Testament. Forgiveness means receiving pardon from God for your sins while salvation is receiving divine empowerment to go and sin no more. When a man is forgiven from lying, he may go, lie again and come back to be forgiven again; but when he is saved from lying, he will go and lie no more.

This is why the Angel that convinced Joseph to marry Mary told him that she is conceived of the Holy Spirit to give birth to a son. He said, ‘You shall call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins’. He is not just coming to forgive the people because before now they have been sinning and have been receiving forgiveness; he is coming to save. The reason why the only begotten Son of God will suffer and die a shameful death on a painful cross is to save man from sin thereby empowering him to go and sin no more. 1st John 3 verse 5 made it clear that he was manifested to take away our sins and there is no sin in him. If he takes away your sin as you encounter him, your sins will be no more.

Verse 9 of the same 1st John 3 made it clear that no man that is born of God will continue to sin because the seed (nature) of God is in him and he cannot continue to sin because he has been born of God. In other words, those who are genuinely born again have been permanently delivered from sin. This verse places a question mark on the life of anyone who claims to be born again but he is still living in sin. There is a permanent victory you can have over sin which Jesus our Saviour through his death and resurrection has secured for us. The purpose of this article is to show us how to personally secure this victory. There are basically two steps towards securing permanent victory over sins which include: knowing the dangers of living in sin and experiencing the death of the flesh.


The reason many people, especially believers, are living in sin is because they don’t know the dangers associated with living in sin. The knowledge of the truth always sets free (Jn. 8:32). Unfortunately, this kind of truth which would have liberated many from the bondage of sin is scarce. There are up to 12 dangers of living in sin but due to space, we will share 7 of them here. Please pay serious attention to these dangers because they are very real and because of the ignorance of it, many are in deep regrets today.

1.         Sin is Satan’s identification number.

Whoever continues to sin belongs to the Devil, because the Devil has sinned from the very beginning. The Son of God appeared for this very reason, to destroy what the devil has done. None of those who are children of God continue to sin, for God’s very nature is in them; and because God is their Father, they cannot continue to sin. This is the clear difference between God’s children and the Devil’s children. (1 Jn. 3:8-10a GNT).

The word ‘whoever’ in that verse means that no one is exempted in this matter. To think that you belong to God when you are still telling lies, gossiping and enjoying gossips, watching pornography, committing masturbation or fornication, living in anger or bitterness, etc., is a costly assumption. Every sinner belongs to the Devil irrespective of whether he is speaking in tongues or not; serving as a worker in the church or fellowship; preaching or teaching the Word of God. Do you think that the Devil does not know this verse? You can be sure that he knows those who belong to him. It is not a matter of one saying that he doesn’t belong to the Devil but to God; it is the matter of where the Bible placed him of which the Devil is fully aware. Sin is a mark that indicates that someone belongs to the Devil no matter his claims. It is Satan’s identification number for those who are his. Those who belong to God do not commit sin because the nature of God is in them (1 Jn. 3:9). The Scriptural advice is that those who name the name of the Lord should depart from iniquity (2 Tim. 2:19) or they will depart from the Lord on the last Day (Matt. 7:23). Do you appear righteous before men, doing many religious things, yet, you are living in secret sins? It is time to quit sins because all sinners whether inside the church or in the streets belong to the Devil.

2.         Sin cuts short the glory of God

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23).

This verse revealed vital information about the power of sin: it can cut short the glory of God in a man’s life. The glory of God here refers to all that God wanted to manifest through a man in his lifetime. For example, Sampson was born to be a mighty deliverer of Israel from the hand of the Philistines but that glory was cut short by sin. Though he did some things but not the fullness of what God planned for him to do. Do you think that Joseph would have become the prime minister of Egypt if he has yielded to sin when he was tempted by Potiphar’s wife? That sin would have cut short the glory that God intended that he would manifest in his lifetime, even though he would have become great in the house of Potiphar. Do you think that Mary would have become God’s choice to birth Jesus if she has yielded to sexual immorality of any kind in her secondary school days or in her youthful age? Sin would have cut short that glory that she was destined to manifest for God in her life time.

Sin is dangerous. It will always appear as an ordinary action but many people are unaware of the invisible blade which it wants to use to cut short God’s glory in their lives. Many people who are living in sin think that it is all about sinning and repenting. They should know that each time a man sins against God whether he repents of it or not, the glory of God in his life is going down. Whether as a student, you cheat to pass exam; or as a business person, you lie in your business dealings; or as a civil servants, you lie about the time you go to work;or as a corps member, you bribe NYSC officials for dubious deals; don’t forget that your sins are cutting short the glory of God in your life. The reason the Devil’s temptation is always fierce is because he is after the glory of God that will be cut short by your sin if you fall. As you watch pornography, commit masturbation or fornication, gossip or backbite, you can be sure that the glory of God in your life is going down. Many marriages that would have been great for God lost the original dimension of God’s glory that was intended for them by God when the couple secretly began to live in different forms of sexual immorality before the wedding day.

Don’t conclude that a man is great until you see the original dimension of greatness that God planned for him. What you are calling great may be a reduced form of the original greatness which his carelessness with secret sins has caused. Friend, sin is not just an action; it is a dangerous act that is targeting God’s glory in your life; avoid at all cost. Those of you that are still young, this is especially crucial for you.

3.         Sin is a master to the sinner.

Jesus answered them, Most assuredly, I say unto you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin (Jn. 8:34).

One of the major powers of sin manifests in its ability to enslave the person that commits it. When the Devil is tempting you to sin, he knows that falling into the sin is falling into a slavery of that sin. To be a slave of sin is to be committing it even when you don’t want to commit it again. This is the common experience of all sinners. They will decide or resolve that they will no longer commit the particular sin but before you know it, they are back into it again. The danger of watching that pornography is that the moment you watch it, you will become a slave of pornography. Jesus told us that whoever commits sin is a slave of sin meaning that no man is exempted. There are ministers of the gospel today that are slaves of the sin of immorality because they committed it once. Do you think that a man or a woman will be regarded by God as his servant if he is a slave of sin? Remember that no man can serve two masters (Matt. 6:24). You must run away from sin because sin is not just an action that can cause pleasure but a master that can enslave. And in case you are currently a slave of one sinful habit or the other, be determined that as the Lord sets you free from the truths you will encounter from this article, you will not be enslaved by committing sin again.

4.         Sin separates a man from God.

“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear too heavy that it cannot hear: but your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.”  (Isa. 59:1-2)

These verses show that sin has a separation force that separates the sinner from God the moment he commits it. Whenever a man sins against God, that sin generates a force that pushes him away from God. It could be a man that was close to God before, the moment he commits sin, sin will separate him from God. It is not God that is separating him from himself or the sinner that wants to be separated from God, but the sin committed that generated the force that separated him from God. This is exactly what happened to Adam and Eve when they sinned against God in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:8). Sin is not just an action; it has the capacity to push you away from God. This practically manifests when you don’t have interest again to spent time alone with God in prayers and meditation of the Word, and even when you do, everywhere is dry without any response from God. The truth is that God did not abandon you and he is still speaking to you but your sins have pushed you so far that you cannot sense or hear him anymore.

This is the singular reason why many believers do not hear the voice of God regularly as supposed; the sins they commit has separated them far from God that they could not hear his voice. That does not mean that they don’t pray, sing or do the work of God, but they cannot hear the voice of God because they are no longer in the hearing distance of God’s voice. Note that all sins has equal separation force and that you don’t need to commit sin more than once before the force is generated to push you away from the presence of God. Sin is dangerous; run away from it.

5.         Sin causes loss of divine presence.

He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seen perverseness in Israel: the Lord his God is with him, and the shout of a king is among them (Num. 23:21).

This verse revealed clearly that the only reason the Lord God was with Israel was because he has maintained a life of righteousness and purity. The presence of the Lord in their midst is their protection against the attacks of the enemy. The moment they began committing immorality with the Moabite ladies, the presence of God left them and twenty-four thousands of them were destroyed (Num. 25:1-3, 9). The presence of the Lord with Joseph in Potiphar’s house attracted divine mercy, favor and prosperity to him (Gen. 39:2, 21). The temptation of Potiphar’s wife towards Joseph was targeting this divine presence and he would have lost it if he had fallen into that temptation.

In John 8 verse 29, Jesus clearly pointed out that the reason why he enjoyed dividends of God’s presence with him throughout his earthly ministry was because he did not sin against him at all. But right on the cross he revealed that the same presence of God left him as he indicated when he cried, My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me? (Matt. 27:46). If God will forsake Jesus, his only begotten Son who has pleased him all the while, because he was carrying our sins (not his own sins), how can you be imagining that God is with you when you are living in sin? Friend, the presence of God left you that time you told the lie, watched that pornography, gossiped, cheated in the exam, etc. If you know the value of carrying the presence of God, you will never do anything that will make you to lose it.

6.         Sin is a gateway to sickness and demonization.

Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worst thing come unto thee (Jn. 5:14).

What Jesus told this man that he healed of 38 years paralysis at the pool of Bethesda showed that it was the sins that he committed that was the cause of his sickness. The warning was so serious that if the man sin again, a worse kind of sickness will come upon him. If you are this man that just got healed after 38 years of impotency, will you sin again? If Jesus said it, then it is true. Many people that are sick today of different kinds of sicknesses and diseases were because of their sins. It is either the spirit of infirmity entered them while they were committing the sin or they contacted the sickness from a sin partner. In Mark 2 verse 5, Jesus has to address the sins of the paralyzed man before talking about his healing confirming that it was his sins that led to his sickness. Again, demonization which means being possessed and oppressed by evil spirits has been traced to sins. Several sins especially the sins of sexual immorality open up the life of a sinner to be demonized. What do you think? If sinners belong to the Devil (1 Jn. 3:8), will it be a difficult thing for him to send his demons to possess and oppress them? In my years of casting demons out of people, I have discovered than more than 70 percent of demonization cases are from committing sins especially the sins of sexual immorality. I have seen demons that confessed that they entered the persons when they are watching pornography, kissing, committing fornication, etc. If you are having sex in the dreams, helpless towards resisting temptations to sin, it may be that you are already demonized. You will need to seek help by opening up to a Christian elder who will counsel you, pray for you and cast out the demons. Do something about it immediately because delay can be dangerous.

7.         Sin determines people’s eternal destiny.

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God  (1 Cor. 6:9-10).

Sin is the only thing that will take men to Hell Fire and the only thing that will prevent men from making Heaven. When you are living in sin and you are thinking that you will inherit the kingdom of God, then you are deceived. Do not be deceived by your heart, or by any preacher, or by anyone: no sinner has any inheritance in the kingdom of God. We cannot overemphasize that there is nothing that can give a sinner any inheritance in the kingdom of God. If you really want to spend your eternity with God in Heaven, you must separate yourself totally from sin. All liars, sexually immoral people, idolaters, sorcerers, etc., will have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone and that is the second death (Rev. 21:8). The temptation is to take the matter of your eternal destiny light. Please don’t. Jesus strongly advised that you can cut off one of your hand, leg, eye, if they are causing to sin because it is better you suffer the pain of that cutting now (no matter how painful it is) because the pains of eternal suffering forever and ever in Hell Fire is greater (Mk. 9:43-48). If you conduct interview on those who are currently in Hell Fire, you might be shocked to know that it is same lying that you are still telling, the same gossip you are still gossiping, the same anger, bitterness and malice that you are exhibiting, etc. that landed them there. The danger here is that they are trapped there to suffer forever and ever. Do you know what forever and ever means? The truth is that some of them there spoke in tongues and even served God better than you are doing currently but secret sins, which you may take light, finally sent them there. Run away from sins and preserve your eternal destiny with God in Heaven.


The second step to securing permanent victory over sins is experiencing the death of the flesh.

  • Flesh being the worker of sins.

According to Galatians 5 verses 19 to 21, sins are the works of the flesh.

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lascivious ness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God (Gal. 19-21).

In order to secure permanent victory over sins, you must understand that all sins are the products of the flesh. In other words, victory over sins will not be possible unless victory over the flesh is secured. The flesh which the Bible also refers to as the old man or self is the human nature that originated from the disobedience of Adam to God in the Garden of Eden,

The works of the flesh as listed in Galatians 5 verses 19 to 21 and in some other Scriptures (Rom. 1:29-32, Rev. 21:8) differs from person to person. In other words, the flesh in various persons specializes in working some kinds of sins such that what the flesh in Mr. A is producing is different from what the flesh in Mr. B is producing. In some persons, the chief work of the flesh is anger, while in others, it is lying. The person that is struggling with anger will tell you that he doesn’t tell lies but when it comes to anger, he doesn’t have control over it especially when he is provoked. There are some people that their flesh specializes in all sexual lusts which lead them into all kinds of sexual immoralities. Some people’s flesh love to produce gossip, slander and backbite others and they don’t have control over it. In most cases, the peculiarity of the flesh is hereditary in that you can trace the particular sins that you are struggling with to your father, mother or to your grandparents. For the fact that all sins have the same producer called the flesh, all sinners with different kinds of sins are the same before God. A liar is not better than a witch, neither is an angry person better than an adulterer. This is the reason why there is no small sin or big sin and all sinners will end up in the same Hell Fire (Rev. 21:8).

The flesh being very deceptive can make you feel that since you are not a murderer that God will have mercy on you being that it is just this occasional lie that you tell. Again, the deceptive flesh can also make you feel that since you are so committed in doing the work of God as a leader, minister or worker, that God will not be regarding your small occasional sins like anger, gossip, exam malpractice, etc., the same way he will be regarding an occultist or an idolater. The works of the flesh are the same whether it is producing them frequently or occasionally; whether it is in a pastor or in an occultist that it is working. Because it is the same flesh that is responsible, the consequences are the same.

  • The death of the flesh being the solution.

Victory over sins can only be achieved when the producer of sins in a man is dead. As long as the producer is still alive, sins will continue to be produced. It is wrong to seek victory over sins one by one because if you succeed in stopping the flesh from producing anger in you, it will start producing lust. If you want to end the works of a carpenter, kill the carpenter; otherwise if you stop him from producing seats, he will divert to cupboards. Fasting, prayers, decisions, resolutions etc., have all failed as methods in trying to win victory over sins.

I once heard the story of a brother who went to fast for seven days in order to overcome the sin of sexual lust but he ended up with fornication on the seventh day. You must have decided that you will not commit certain sins again and again, prayed seriously about the decision, but did it work? Sometimes it may even work for a while but before you know it you will fall again. Sometimes you may even feel that it is because your decision last time was not strong enough; hence, you are making it stronger this time. It will still not work because as long as the flesh is alive in you, you cannot be free from sin. God’s solution for victory over sins is unchanging: the death of the flesh. In case you are thinking or assuming that your flesh has died and you suddenly commit one sin or the other, don’t be surprise; just know that the flesh has not died. If it has died, that sin will not be produced.

What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin (Rom. 6:1-2, 6-7).

God forbid that we should continue in sin because he has made provision for our victory through the death of Jesus on the cross. Apart from the knowledge of Jesus’ death for us on the cross which is for the forgiveness of our sins, we need to know also that we died with him when he died so that through that death we can be freed from the power of sin. That was the origin of the question in Romans 6 verses 1 to 2. Verse 6 made it clear that our old man (the flesh) was crucified with him and the very purpose of that is so that henceforth we should no longer serve sins. In other words, God included us in Christ such that his death on the cross also became our death as well as his resurrection and ascension. The way of our victory over sin is from the death of our old man with Christ on the cross. God knew that sin has corrupted the human nature such that the only hope of delivering man from sin is the way of death; hence, he submitted us to the death of the cross. Verse 7 showed us that it is only a dead man that is free from sin. In other words, no living man will ever be free from sin.

  • Knowing this.

Now, in order to experience victory over sin, we must know what God has done for us and believe it. What is it that God has done? He has by his wisdom (even before we were born) crucified us with Christ when he was crucified. We should not ask God to do again what he has done; rather, we should believe it and then demonstrate our faith in it. Some believers pray that God will kill their flesh or that their flesh will die so that they will be free from sin. They already know that the flesh is their problem but they don’t know what God has done. Some will say something like this: ‘This flesh that causes me to sin must die’. This is wrong and victory can never come that way. The way of victory is to affirm what God has done by saying: ‘I am dead to sin being crucified with Christ’. Look at this verse: And they that are Christ have crucified the flesh with the affections and lust (Gal 5:24). Note that they are not about to crucify the flesh; they have already crucified the flesh with its affections and lusts. Because this has already happened, we should believe it, confess it and begin to act in that direction. Colossians 3 verse 3 said, for ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. What God has done for our victory over sins is clear: he has crucified our flesh with Christ (Gal. 2:20). We should press not just for head knowledge of this truth but for a revelation knowledge that must come from the Holy Spirit.

This is where we need to seriously pray until God by the Holy Spirit reveals it to us in our spirit. If the knowledge is just in our head (mind), we will soon forget it when we will need to apply it for victory at the point of temptation. The knowledge is a continuous knowledge that must be fresh in our hearts always if we will have victory; hence, we need to seriously pray till the revelation of it dawns in our hearts. Again, this prayer should not be once. We should pray every day that the Holy Spirit will make this knowledge fresh in our hearts as we face the temptations of the day.

  • The way of daily reckoning.

Likewise, reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord (Rom. 6:11).

To reckon yourself dead to sin and alive to God is to believe in your heart, confess with your mouth, and show forth in all your actions that you are dead to sin and alive to God. It’s an act of faith that is based on the finished works of Christ. To reckon is to consider yourself a dead man whenever it comes to sin because you know that you are dead already. You can see that reckoning is based on the knowledge of your death with Christ. If that knowledge has not settled in your spirit, you may forget it at the point of temptation when you will need to say to yourself, ‘I am dead and as a dead man, I cannot do this’. Note that on one side, we are to reckon ourselves dead indeed to sin, and on the other hand, we are to reckon ourselves to be alive unto God. In other words, you are to be active whenever it comes to the things of God like prayer, study of the Word, etc., but inactive whenever it comes to sin and the things of the world. At this point, you are no longer afraid whether you will fall into temptation because as a dead man, you know that you cannot fall into temptation. In fact, tempting a dead man is simply a waste of time. To help you understand this better, answer the following questions:

Can you provoke a dead man to become angry? Can you seduce a dead man to commit immorality? If you insult a dead man, what would he do? If you gossip against a dead man, what would he do? If you accuse a dead man falsely, what would he do? If you deny a dead man his right, what would he do? If you take a dead man’s land, possessions and money, what would he do? If you slap a dead man, what would he do? Can a dead man lie, quarrel, fight, fornicate or lust?

To be a Christian who has permanent victory over sin is to live as a dead man in relation to sin. Friend, has it dawn on you that you are to live from now as a dead man when it comes to the matter of sin? If you live as a dead man, you have victory over sin. But the moment you want to live as a living person, sin will overcome you again. You will need to be particular about the sins you frequently fall into and reckon yourself dead to them. You need to say, ‘I’m dead to pornography’, ‘I’m dead to anger’, ‘I’m dead to gossip’, etc. One of the greatest mistakes believers make when they come to this point which makes their victory over sins to be short-lived is to think that reckoning is only once. No, as long as you have not physically died, you must continue reckoning yourself to be dead indeed to sin. Because temptations come to us every day, we must continue our reckoning daily. Our constant victory over sins is depending on our steady reckoning of faith. If we stop reckoning, then, we are conquered immediately.

  • Watching against entrance of sin.

Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof  (Rom. 6:12).

In securing permanent victory over sin, we have seen that God has done his own part when he included us in Christ before he was crucified (1 Cor. 1:30). If we are ignorant of what he has done in crucifying us with Christ, there is no amount of fasting, prayer, decision or resolution that will set us free from sin. But knowing it and reckoning it daily sets us on the part of victory. One more duty we have towards securing this victory is to stay at the doors of our hearts and watch against further entrance of sin.  This is because it is not sin that was crucified with Christ but the flesh. Sin is still very much around with its enslaving power waiting for any slightest opportunity to enslave. If we are to watch against sin entering in again and enslaving us, we should monitor the two gates of our hearts through which sin enters which are the eyes and the ears. To expose our eyes to sinful scenes, videos and pictures while claiming that we are dead will amount to self-deception. We are to watch constantly against the entrance of sin at the gates of our hearts (the eyes and the ears) knowing that sin is a stubborn visitor. We must deliberately refuse to listen to gossip or any evil speaking or stories. We need to emphasize that knowing that we are dead to sin and reckoning it is not enough to remain victorious over sin. We need to ensure that there is no further entrance of sin into our hearts by watching what we see with our eyes and what we hear with our ears; otherwise, we will still fall.

  • Consecrating your members to God and to righteousness.

Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God (Rom. 6:13).

Another responsibility we must take in securing permanent victory over sins is to consecrate ourselves to God and our members (every part of our body) as instruments of righteousness unto God. Note the two kinds of consecration in that verse (Rom. 6:13): yielding ourselves to God as those who are alive from the dead, and yielding our members as instruments of righteousness unto God. If we died with Christ and rose again with him, then the life we have now is not our life but the very life of Christ. Therefore, we should not use this new life which is Christ’s life to pursue our selfish ambition but to live for him and do his will (2 Cor. 5:14-15). Again, we must deliberately and prayerfully yield or offer every part of our body one after the other to God as instruments of righteousness. Note that until the consciousness that your hands, eyes, ears, legs, tongue, etc., are no longer your own but set apart for the Lord and his use only is dawned on you, you have not taken this step.

One mark of everyone who has truly consecrated himself to the Lord is the genuine desire to seek and do the will of God always and at all cost. He will not use his mouth to say what the Lord does not want him to say but be sensitive to say only things the Lord wants; he will not subject his ears to listening to gossips, lies, corrupt words or songs; he will not expose his eyes to watch things the Lord forbids knowing that these eyes belong to God; he will not use his hands to touch or do things that the Lord forbids since the hands belongs to God; He will not use his legs to go where the Lord forbids knowing that the legs are the Lord’s; he will not spend his time or money the way he likes but will diligently seek the Lord to know how he always wants the time and the money to be spent and comply. This is what it means to be consecrated unto the Lord.

In conclusion, the knowledge of the truth, says the Lord Jesus Christ, is what sets men free from all kinds of bondage (Jn. 8:32). By the grace of God, we have shared the truths on how to secure permanent victory over sin according to the Word of God. We need to add that these truths have been proven and worked in the lives of many of us with testimonies. I strongly recommend that as you read this article carefully under the influence of the Holy Spirit and take all the recommended actions, you will experience true victory over sins.

We also want to hear your testimonies as you apply these truths; hence, be pleased to share them with us also. If the Lord permits, we will be discussing further on how to maintain permanent victory over sins in our next edition. Finally, if the Lord helped your life from this article, ensure that you pass it on to another person and persuade him or her to read it. The Lord bless you.

In case you have questions or concerns as you try to apply the truths that were set out in this article, you can contact the editor via 08065607999 (WhatsApp only) or


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