A Heart In Search of God
Born on August 29, 1792 in Warren, Connecticut, USA, Charles G. Finney was the youngest of nine children. He had a passion for law and went ahead to study and practice the legal profession.
Growing up, he was a young man quite concerned about the state of his soul. Unlike many today who do not care, he desired to know for certain that he is saved. So on October 10, 1821, he headed out into the woods near his Adams, New York, home to find God. “I will give my heart to God, or I never will come down from there,” he said. Going to a lonely place, he knelt by a wood and wrestled with God in prayer until he encountered the Lord. This was the beginning of a life that would transform the U.S. and the world at large.
So many times I encounter young people in the world today who joke with their salvation. They are not certain of their salvation; rather they hope that everything will work out well when they die. Not Finney. He prayed until he had his assurance in God.
Ministry Begins
After this experience, Finney left his legal practice to enter the ministry, at a young age of 29. His passion for souls was felt in his ministerial labours. Almost everyone Finney preached to as he went from place to place came under the conviction of the Spirit of God and gave their lives to Christ.
Finney’s ministry took a turn at age 33 when he visited his former pastor, George Gale. In the course of the visitation, he was asked to handle an evangelism crusade. This area has been seen as an area that had become immune to the gospel, but they could not withstand the fire of Finney’s passion for God. Many repented and sought help to be saved and to walk with God.
In Spite of Opposition
Finney’s passion for God and for souls carried on despite much opposition. He believed that it is God’s will that all souls be saved and he labored fervently to see the will of God come to pass. In his days, it was not so popular to be a lay evangelist, and Finney was opposed for doing that; but that did not hinder him in any way. He kept on moving despite the oppositions. Finney’s evangelistic crusade drew whole cities and villages, as shops would be locked up in order to attend his crusade. No one could ignore this soul on fire for God!
Impacting His World
In 1835, at age 43, Finney became a Professor at Oberlin College in Ohio, U.S. Many times, people think that being a man on fire for God means that you cannot be of any earthly use, but not Finney. He embraced his work at Oberlin College with fervour and dedication. There he taught a class in Pastoral Theology, became a guest writer for the Oberlin Evangelist (a popular revival magazine), and traveled from place to place each year after classes were over to hold evangelistic meetings. Finney led Oberlin College to be at the head of social reforms in their days ranging from the temperance movement (a movement against alcoholism), abolition movement, manual labour schools etc. However, despite all these, he never allowed himself to be distracted from his main work as an evangelist.
Even till today
Finney maintained his walk with God and his work for God. He remained a father of revival, and never failed to draw his listeners to make a decision for Christ now or never. Even till today, it is appropriate that Charles Grandison Finney continues to evoke strong emotions in us and force us to make decisions over a century after his lengthy and extraordinary career.
God still looks for young men and women who will be on fire for Him, like Charles was. No half-measures, no compromises, just pure fire of consecration, dedication and devotion to the Lord. It is this generation that will change their world for Christ.
May you be such a life today.
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